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What's new at APG
Celebrating a new home for the APG team in Dayton
Our holiday gift to the Memphis A&D community is always a big hit.
On May the Fourth, the APG team in Akron hosted Return of the Magis to support One of a Kind Pet Rescue.
Our annual Nail Bar event is always a hit with our design friends!
APG Cincinnati annual A&D event
Over $11,000 raised in Cleveland for APL!
All the best and newest from your local reps!
Another exciting event in the books
APG Office Furnishings in Cleveland hosted the inaugural Higher Education Event in November.
This year's Elevate Design Memphis event showcases the latest in the industry!
We take heart health seriously around here, and we like to have fun promoting it too!
APG congratulates GPD on another CANstruction success!
New Year, New You!
Supporting Heart Health in 2018
What a great weekend to get together with our IIDA colleagues across the region!
This is how we roll!
August 31 was picture-perfect for a river cruise for the A+D Community hosted by APG Office Furnishings, Binford & Associates, and Mohawk Group!
APG Memphis packed the showroom again for the annual Post-NeoCon party on August 23!