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  • Transform Your Campus. Get Transformative Results.

Transform Your Campus. Get Transformative Results.

Engaging spaces inspire learning and growth.

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A human-centered approach − informed by ongoing research into effective spaces − can create an inspiring, efficient place to help people and your institution achieve their goals.

Campuses everywhere are wrestling with how to facilitate learning and manage the well-being of students, faculty, and staff on-site. This past year has taught us a lot about how to help find balance and still create engaging spaces that make everyone excited to be at school.

With products like OE1 from Herman Miller, student and office spaces around campus can quickly transform to meet changing needs. Options like Prospect and Framery are perfect for small group study and individual heads-down time. The importance of agile classrooms is more apparent than ever. Create adaptable spaces quickly by pairing Everywhere Tables and seating from Herman Miller.

From classrooms to libraries to dorms and beyond, our solutions improve living and learning across campus.


Classroom Redesign Results graphic
Prospect Idea Space

Prospect (above) creates the perfect small study group area.

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OE1 from Herman Miller (above) is great for creating agile spaces for students to concentrate.